Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 13: Edinburgh

Weather: Sunny

Today we spent the day in Edinburgh. We drove to the city, parked and took a bus tour through the city. It was very nice, clean and historic.

After the tour, we went through the Edinburgh Castle. It sits high on a hill on top of an extinct volcano. There are several different buildings built throughout the centuries.

 I was most intrigued with the Prisoner of War building. I never knew Americans were taken prisoner during the Revolutionary War and taken to Scotland and housed in the castle. They were never released and died in prison.

The castle sits atop the hill at the end of the Royal Mile which is lined with shops selling everything under the sun mainly souvenirs but also some nice cafes and pubs with sidewalk seating. This was nice since the sun was shining. There were also many woolen shops selling official plaids.

We toured the city on the hop-on bus and rode down to the harbor and had a glimpse of the Royal Britannia---the Queen's ship. We continued on to the Royal Queen's Palace.

 It was not open as a royal diplomat was staying there at the time.

After a nice day of touring and shopping we returned to Perth and went to dinner at Bothy's. It was a really neat pub. While eating we met some Scots who were very anxious to talk with us.  Had a nice dinner and returned to the hotel where we planned to call it a night.

We were sitting in the lobby talking and the fire alarm went off so the entire hotel evacuated to the parking lot in the back of the hotel. As it turned out there was a couple smoking in their room. It is legal to smoke in some rooms but you must open a window. They did not and the alarm sounded.

I really hate to leave Scotland. It is a wonderful place with wonderful people---as was Wales.


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