Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 4: West Coast of Wales

Weather: Intermittent rain

Today we drove from Neath through the central part of Wales and over to the west coast. It was raining off and on throughout the day. We covered some main roads and many very narrow roads where you had to pull over or back-up if you met a car.

We crossed an old one-lane bridge with a 60 pence toll and another with a 50 pence toll; however, there was no one to collect the toll so off we went.

We drove through many very quiet villages with houses so close to the road that folks were right in the street when they walked out the front door!

This is a one way road! It's a good thing!

We saw thousands of sheep (many in the road) and beautiful green fields divided by stone walls. It was very picturesque! When the rain stopped we tried to find a place to stop and take pictures.

Our first stop was the Harlach Castle---one of many of the hundreds of old castles in Wales. They are all quite interesting and different.

Our hotel, The Country Hotel, was built in the 1400's and added to throughout the years. It was quite nice but very few people staying there. Jackie Kennedy and Ted Kennedy along with other celebrities have stayed there. The room included a 5 course dinner and a full Welsh breakfast in the morning. Can't wait! Sally and I were so full after the first 3 courses we had to wrap our food in paper napkins to dispose of later. The waiter and chef were so nice to us we didn't want to hurt their feelings. Plus, who can eat lamb while looking out the window and seeing such cute little things grazing about in the fields.

Back in our room we were stuffed and ready for bed.


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